红包设计 | 2021剑桥艺术辛丑牛年红包设计

红包设计 | 2021剑桥艺术辛丑牛年红包设计

2021-04-08 11:11:34阅读:41

   派红包是所有华人在过春节时的一种习俗,红包里的钱币更是长辈对晚辈的爱和祝福。如何能给这个古老的习俗赋予更多的活力和创造力?在辛丑牛年春节即将来临的时候,剑桥艺术(CSVPA China)开展了新年生肖红包设计比赛。我们希望能够在弘扬传统文化、鼓励文化创新的同时,也充分发挥艺术设计学生的专业特长。相信经过同学们精心设计制作出的牛年红包将不仅仅是一枚普通的红包,也会是一件值得珍藏的作品。以下四件作品是由剑桥艺术(CSVPA China)的艺术老师们组成的评审团推选出的4款红包设计作品。

  Yue Yin、Sijia Xia作品
  In the new year the gods of heaven and together we celebrate this moment of hope and opportunity. Whoever it is high or low is celebrating talking and laughing eating hot pot at this moment. To paint everyone as cattle in a way that is funny and funny is to hope that everyone will think about it in the Year of the Ox. I hope everyone who receives this red envelope will be as happy as the red envelope.
  Emily Chen作品
  Mice with ribbons welcome the arrival of the cyan ox representing the alternations of the Year of the Rat in 2020 and the Year of the Ox in 2021. The year 2020 is a year of disasters. Two small animals touch each other’s noses to say goodbye to all the disasters of the past and welcome the New Year. In the front of the red packet I chose cyan as the color of the cow. In traditional Chinese Taoism cyan ox is the mount of “the very high lord” (One of the gods) and a symbol of auspiciousness and happiness. That is why I chose cyan as the main color of the red packet . When the cyan ox come from Hangu Pass purple gas will rise bringing hope and happiness which is also the origin of the idiom “Purple gas comes from the East”. Therefore I choose to seal the back of the red packet with “紫气东来” (Purple gas comes from the East) as the blessing language open the red packet you can harvest the good wishes sent by the cyan ox
  Dina Xu Cloris Pan作品
  The design of the red envelope not only conforms to the theme of “blessing” but also adopts the customs of the common people during the New Year such as setting off fireworks watching the Spring Festival Gala hanging lanterns affixing the character of blessing and so on. In many of the blessings I think that the “exchequer billow all the best” is not the “everything wins meaning”. Nowadays people are busy with their work and many people cannot go back to their warm homes during the Spring Festival. The positive of this red envelope is the warmth of going home and it also implies that family reunion is the best gift for parents. Wearing a mask on his face the little man hopes that COVID-19 will be far away from people’s lives in 2021. Year after year week after week as always everything wins.
  Rainy Wang作品
  My inspiration was bragging. I first designed the image of a cartoon child with cow face and then I came up with the idea of blowing a cow. I designed a cow in stick figure way at the sealing. When the sealing opened I saw a child face with bronzing outline. To make the pattern dreamy I add a faint trace to the blown bubble. Then I used classic red and yellow as the main color.


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