谭兆群 Mr. SK Tam

谭兆群 Mr. SK Tam

2019-03-28 16:59:09阅读:69

  谭兆群 Mr. SK Tam


  从事内地香港教育事业10年以上,具有终身学习意识,不断进修提升自身专业能力,教学理念与教学方法与时俱进,注重因材施教。 曾任职佛山外国语学校国际部CIE课程ICT老师、北京理工大学国际教育学院A level课程数学老师、中港英语学校香港中学文凭数学老师,成功输送多名学生进入海内外大学。 He is a life-long learning person always keeping learning to improve his professional ability teaching methods and ideas to keep pace with times. He has taught Mathematics in many international schools and many of his students were admitted to famous universities around the world.

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