

2020-01-15 16:49:29阅读:33

2019年1月6日下午CAS时间,有两位嘉宾光临上海宏润博源学校大讲堂,他们分别是学生家长彭钢先生、赵慎大先生,坐上讲堂的还有我们亲爱的Chris校长。他们 分别就“高中时代所面对海外留学的挑战,专业和职业选择的影响”的话题与同学们座谈。

During the CAS session on the afternoon of June 6th SHBS parent representatives Steven Peng and Peter Zhao together with SHBS foreign principal Christopher Moses shared their life experience and wisdom on the topic “How your challenges of high schools can best inform your future choices?”


Mr. Peter Zhao mentioned that he used to be the homeroom leader and the school basketball team captain and had good academic performance in high school. Principal Christopher Moses also frankly talked about his high school life: his father died and his grandfather who he was very close to got seriously ill; later his mom remarried but it turned out to be a bad decision. All these happened during his high school life he was lost at that time and did not know what to do with his life.


Later Mr. Peter Zhao also mentioned the nosedive of his high school life after the glamourous period. Mr. Steven Peng mentioned that he was the top student in junior high school but sank into frustration and pressure when he could no longer retain the academic honor in senior high school because of fiercer competition.


Their life experiences demonstrated the importance of reading. Through reading Mr. Peter Zhao knows more about the world; Through reading Mr. Christopher Moses diverted himself from agony and loss during the most difficult period in his life; through reading Mr. Steven Peng keeps a growth mindset and always believe he can do better.


The audience was deeply impressed by the candidness earnest and honesty of our three speakers. They showed our students the right way to face challenges. The three extraordinary men’s life stories are so relatable and yet awe-inspiring.


Students learned a lot from this sharing. In answering Ethan’s question Mr. Peng mentioned: “There are more than 3000 universities in the United states. Each of them has its own characteristics and requirements. There will be one that suits you.!”

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