北大附属廊坊益田同文学校由廊坊青鸟益田教育科技有限公司创办,是一所集小学、初中、高中为一体的国际化新型学校。学校占地230亩,建筑面积15.8万平方米,投资额12亿元,办学规模拟定为102班,3060名学生。计划于2018年9月正式开学。 学校依托北京大学优质教育资源,秉承北大“爱国、进步、民主、科学”的光荣传统,坚持“勤奋、严谨、求实、创新”的优良学风,弘扬“思想自由、兼容并包”的北大精神,以高起点定位、高标准建设、高质量管理为基础,致力于建设一所具有北大精神传承,中华传统文化积淀和可持续发展竞争力的国际化精品名校。
Peking University Yitian Tongwen School (Langfang) is an international new model of school serving students from Grade 1 through Grade 12. The school is jointly founded by Beida Jade Culture and Education Group and Yitian Group. The school covers an area of 230 acre, with 158,000 square meters of construction area, the amount of investment is 1 billion 200 million yuan, and the scale of the school is planned to be 102 classes and 3,060 students. The school will officially start to operate in September,2018.
育人目标:Educational Objectives
Our ives are d on Chinese traditions using, holistic education practices to cultivate a student achieving his best in morals, talents, communication, aesthetics and physical capability.
❖ 身心健康的人
❖ 仁爱、诚实、守信的人
❖ 乐于学习、善于学习的人
❖ 善于沟通合作的人
❖ 人格独立、自信坚毅、勇于担当的人
❖ 具有批判精神、创造性思维、审美素养的人
❖ 具有深厚传统文化底蕴、开阔国际视野的人
We try to develop students’
² Physical and intellectual well being
² Benevolence, humanity, honesty and integrity
² Learning habits and methods
² Communicative and cooperative proficiency
² Independence, self-confidence, courage and responsibility
² Critical and creative thinking, aesthetic literacy
² Chinese traditional culture appreciation and international-mindedness
High-quality International Educational Environment