2016-04-10 14:56:16阅读:75
Last winter my classmate Rhoda and I went to a community to help send out newspapers pick up rubbish and donate money. Although it was very cold we were very devoted and we felt very happy.
The most unforgettable thing during the winter was that I volunteered in a company where I teach small kids to fold papers which you can see in the following picture. That was a very important step to have a feeling about art among the children. I’m very happy to see that I was passing on my love of art to the little kids.
我学绘画多年,也积累了自己的绘画作品集。我对艺术的爱与妈妈对我的影响分不开,妈妈一直都热爱艺术。我现在在班级担任艺术委员,参加了学校的animation俱乐部,并在学校的House活动里多次担任海报的创作者,在最近的一次Women in STEM的活动中,我创作的海报获得了高分。在近期学校举办的商赛中,我担任CEO带领团队建立一家媒体公司,并获得了最佳媒体公司的冠军。
I've been learning drawing for a couple of years and now is working on a collection of my paintings. My mother has influenced me a lot in developing a passion for art. Now in my class I am Art Leader and I’ve already joined animation club and have created several posters for my house. In the recent Women in STEM house activity my poster got a higher score. Two weeks ago our school had a business competition. I led a team and set up a media company. In the end we won the Best Media Company.
By doing art I’m able to see the world creatively and I can understand the world around me as an art student. By creating art I have a unique feeling o what is happening in society and I have a different perspective of the world. I love art and would be very glad to pass on my love of art to everyone around me.