2016-04-30 13:49:53阅读:83
上海燎原国际高中 (http://www.51guoji.com/shlyzx/)报道:上海燎原国际学校春季又有新活动,我们将制作风筝而且是将制成沪上最大风筝,这将是学生与老师共同努力成果展示。
Dr. Yu Lee organizer of the activity:
The reason for this project is to work on a whole school project and to have every single student working towards a common goal. It’s a good experience in teamwork and something that has a very clear ive and result. It also serves as a way to apply learned academic knowledge towards a real tangible task. Hopefully our students will take pride in the fact that they constructed Shanghai’s largest (probably) tetrahedral kite.
进行四面体风筝制作这个项目的目的是鼓励全体学生为了同一个目标而努力。 这个项目可以增加学生团队合作经历。而且这个项目有一个很明确的目标和一个触手可及的结果,这对于学生来说也是很好的一个学习经历。 另外,学生也可以把学到的无形的学术知识应用到一个真实有形的任务中。 学生们可能在制作上海最大的四面体风筝,希望他们为参与其中而引以为傲。
此次 house 活动围绕着四面体风筝制作展开,这个项目 Ziad 老师详细的介绍了风筝的制作过程和注意事项。并提前做好风筝模型供学生们参考。
House Learder 各个学院的负责人也在听过指示后召集自己学院的学生快速而认真的开始风筝的制作。并仔细的强调注意事项,给学生鼓励加油。
Ziad Science teacher:
We want to do hands-on activities because students learn better by doing.
Why we do Kite is because we want to learn aerodynamics teach students that big things are made of small things and complicated things are made of simple things. That’s how real world works.