2016-06-07 17:45:09阅读:88
上海燎原国际高中 (http://www.51guoji.com/shlyzx/)报道:迈开你的脚步,为地球撑起一片绿荫。慈善是心,上海燎原双语学校通过各种课程和活动,一以贯之地播种“爱”的种子,传递“慈善”的火种。
Charity is the kindest and softest love. In Liaoyuan bilingual school we do our best to emerge this love into our curriculum and activities. We want to touch as many as we can to spread love.
We want to share and spread this love with you together with our school on 12th June 2016.
The First “Liaoyuan Cup” Charity Walkathon is in action.
徒步时间:6月12日,10:00 从学校乘巴士出发
The charity theme is ‘ walking for our mother earth giving green back to her’.
Roots & Shoots is an international environmental organization. It unites those who hold certain values in common: love for animals care for the community and devotion to protecting the environment. Roots & Shoots has been applying various projects to arise the awareness of respecting and protecting environment.
The Shanghai Roots & Shoots Million Tree Project which began in 2007 aims to raise community awareness of the Earth’s precious environment while focusing on steps individuals can take to lessen their negative impact on the natural world. By planting trees in Inner Mongolia the Million Tree Project is designed to improve both ecological and humanitarian conditions there. The project gives individuals and organizations an opportunity to fight climate change by planting oxygen-producing trees. It also encompasses true capacity building as the local population is intimately involved with and benefits from every step of planting maintaining and monitoring the trees.(quote from roots & shoots web).
We are working with Roots & Shoots Million Tree Project hold our first “Liaoyuan Cup” Charity Walkathon. We are doing what we can to contribute and help.
我们来徒步都可以参与 我们需要您捐助25元,您就可以在内蒙古种下一棵树。
We are calling for every one of you to participate tocontribute to this project.
One single tree can do much more than you canimagine which only need 25 RMB.
作为燎原学校的学生,我们有幸可以直接参与徒步活动,但前提是,我们必须捐献至少4棵树(100元的公益基金)。如果您支持我,请微信红包或转账的形式支持我. 当然多多益善。每多25元,我就可以帮你在内蒙古多种下一棵树。我徒步,您做慈善!多多支持!
To make this event successfully students in Liaoyuan both primary and high school will walk for 5 miles 10 miles or 20 miles. Every participate will need to donate 4 trees to this project which costs 100RMB. We will walk for it and I NEED your support by donating me money whatever amount you would like to offer and it will mean massive to me and to this project.
All the fundraising will be used for Million Tree Project we will have a detail report making sure this event and the organization true meaningful.
All participators please share this to your friends and invite them to donate to you. After collecting the donation all of them will transfer to Roots & Shoots and we will report the progress on our Wechat account.