

2015-11-24 09:26:39阅读:24

  It wasn't a sunny Wednesday afternoon but we were thrilled because we were going to have another lad class for chemistry! And this time we are going to measure the density of some unknown liquids.

  But this is not an ordinary or boring' density-measuring-class'. We need to guess the four mysterious liquids' densities and mix them first. And we are not allowed to let them join together!

  It seems hard but me and my partener Mark however did it well and quickly. First we shook every beaker of liquid and we found out that the blue one is the stickest. Then we smelt all the liquid and we guessed that the blue one is honey the yellow one is oil the red one is alchohol. And the green one well we didn't smell anything special. So we supposed it is water.

  At last we used our knowledge in our secondery school and our daily knowledge to solve this problem quickly. We thought the stickest one may be the heaviest-- or should I say it has the largest density. And as far as we know that water is heavier than the alchohol and the oil. But now it's the hardest time-- the alchohol and the oil has the same density according to our knowlege.

  But luckily my great partener Mark said something to me: the alchohol and the oil has the same density that's true but we can't make sure that wheather the liqiud is mixed with water. And we know taht oil can't mix with water so we just need to put oil on the top.

  So we pour the four types of liquids one by one. First blue then green red and yellow one.

  'We did it!' we were so happy to see the colorful liquid stay still.

  Science is beautiful and mysterious just like this tube of liquid we've mixed and we are more willingly to learn the amazing chemistry. I won't forget the beaurtiful mixture.

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