

2014-12-04 10:30:39阅读:158

 “我想去加州柏克莱大学,”来自协和古北校区毕业班的Crystal Ke 站在她妈妈身边,和许多学生和家长一起在加州柏克莱大学的咨询台前停了下来。


“如果我能去柏克莱分校,我妈妈一定会很高兴的,她知道伯克莱是顶尖的大学” Crystal

Crystal Ke想要学新闻专业,也在看加州大学欧文分校的信息,“我觉得这所大学也不错……很多中国人去那里。”

当我告诉她可以在加州大学各校区转校时,Crystal Ke 笑得很开心。实际上,就像加州大学官方网站上所说的,“一旦被加州大学录取,学生可以转到其他校区。申请转校区要基于学生的个人情况以及将来所学的专业考虑。如果想转到其他校区,学生必须在适当的时间提交转校申请。请注意,如果学生已经完成了超过120学分的课时将不能转校。如果再转到其他校区之前,已完成了大一大二阶段课程,新校区将会考虑你的这个优势。”

文科学校也很受学生的追捧。例如,俄亥俄卫斯理安大学驻上海的招生官Wendy Zhang对学生的建议,他们招收的是“全面发展的学生”。

就像Wendy Zhang对其中一个感兴趣的男生所说:“我们会看学生的SAT分数,但是我们会仔细分析你的分数。我们会认真评估学生的意向信,非常想知道你到底是怎样的人,以此来培养你。”

协和古北校区也是如此,该校已加入美国资深教育机构AEO TOUR大学展,该机构在过去的28年里不断向亚洲地区介绍国际高等教育平台。AEO
TOUR负责人Bob Allan说:“今晚的大学展令我们印象深刻,我们很意外现在有这么多的中国学生想要去国外读大学。”




"I want to go to UC Berkeley" says Crystal Ke a senior at SUIS Gubei. Standing next to her mother she hovers over the UC Berkeley information table amidst scores of students and parents.


In these busy halls more than 25 schools from the United States the United Kingdom FranceSweden and beyond are gathering to present their packages for students. Among the most popular tables are the California options.


"If I can go to Berkeley my mother will be really happy because she knows it is one of the best" says Ke.


Ms. Ke who wants to major in journalism also leans over the information table for UC Irvine. "I think its an interesting option…many Chinese people go there."


When I point out to Ms. Ke that she can transfer between UC campuses she smiles wide. Indeed as the University of California website clarifies "After you enroll at a UC campus it may be possible for you to transfer to another UC campus. Applications for intercampus transfer are considered in light of your personal circumstances and the availability of space in your prospective major. If you wish to transfer from one UC campus to another you must submit an application for undergraduate admission during the appropriate filing period. Keep in mind some campuses do not accept intercampus transfers who have completed more than 120 quarter (80 semester) units. If you fulfill the lower-division general-education/breadth requirements at a UC campus prior to transferring to another UC campus the new campus will consider those requirements satisfied."


The smaller liberal arts college also gathered clots of curious students. For example Wendy Zhang the Shanghai d international admissions officer for Ohio Weseyland University advised students that they were after "the whole student."


Said Zhang to one curious boy "We look at SAT scores but we also dig deeper into grades. We carefully uate your letter of intent and really want to know who you are as a person to develop you."


The same might be said for SUIS Gubei who partnered with AEO Tour a US d company that has been introducing international higher education platforms to Asia for the past 28-years. Commented AEO Tour owner Bob Allan "We're really impressed with the turn out we've got tonight. There is so much interest now amongst Chinese students to go abroad for their university life."


Mr.Allan who will be leading a delegation to over 12 US universities this summer added "This is the last night of our Asia tour and we can't wait to come back. There's so much energy here."

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