新和中学国际部-News from the Student Reporters

新和中学国际部-News from the Student Reporters

2016-04-19 16:15:24阅读:206

  上海私立新和中学报道 2016.03.22下午5:30,新和男子篮球队与燎原国际部男子篮球队进行了一场比赛。两队都采用“人盯人”战术。宗绍祥,张烨辉进球得分。我们的队员说:“这场比赛打的比之前好,在吕东老师的帮助下,我们在配合,挡拆上做了更多的练习。”遗憾的是,这次比赛时间很短,虽然我们比分落后对方一点,但我们还是很高兴看见队员们的进步。在男篮比赛进行得如火如荼之际,羽毛球比赛也进行得十分顺利。我方郑逸,陈思铭,叶宇,谢依澄应战。第一轮,郑逸,陈思铭击败对方。第二轮陈思铭谢依澄愈战愈勇,取得胜利。Kyle教练表示,虽然这次取得了不错的成绩,但我们要继续努力,争创更辉煌的成绩。
  On Mar.22 5:30p.m our basketball team had a match with Liao Yuan’steam. Both teams played man-to-man defense with Irving and Adam scoring.
  Our members had this to say: ‘We are better than before. With the help of our gym teacher Dong we practiced more cooperation. We really improved alot.’
  The game lasted almost 40mins and although our NC-Xinhe Dragons did not win the team is happy to see an improvement in skill and teamwork.
  At the same time our badminton team also did a very good job in the competition with their oppponents. The NC-Xinhe ps were Leo Kevin Edison and Max.
  Leo and Kevin did a great job defeating their opponents  in the first round. It was a hard battle. Edison and Max gave a strong effort too.Kevin also won in the second round.
  The NC-Xinhe teams are really great and still improving. Coach Kyle is looking forward to sharper battles in the future.


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